Karen’s Kitchen Salsa
About Karen’s Kitchen Salsa
Fresh, hand-cut pico de gallo salsa in more than 25 different flavours such as red tomato, mango, dill pickle, beet and more. For years, Karen was known for her made from scratch pico de gallo salsa as it was her go to dish anytime she got together with family and friends. No matter how big of a bowl of salsa she brought, everyone ate it like it was their last meal. Today, Karen makes her fresh, gluten-free and preservative-free salsa in a kitchen in Fort Saskatchewan, using as much locally sourced produce as she can. “For many people, salsa is often a welcome reminder of past vacations. I get so much joy out of making every single batch of salsa. I love creating something that people love to eat. You are going to want to put my salsa on everything!”

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