Joanne Kyle

About Joanne Kyle
I used to just bake and make salsa for my family and friends, being a homemaker, everyone loved all of it and always said I should make it to sell for more to enjoy. I wanted to have some time out of the house to meet new people and socialize some, so combining my love of baking and wanting to meet new people I decided to start to go to the Farmers' Markets in my area. It's been wonderful and amazing, meeting a lot of new people and seeing them every week and getting the feedback that they enjoy my treats for everyday snacks as well as to share on the holidays with family.
Verified Product List
- Salsa (use canned tomatoes), Home Made Gummies, Butterscotch Confetti, Chocolate Confetti, Puffed Wheat Squares, Nanaimo Bars, Mint Nanaimo Bars, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Monster Cookies, Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies, Ginger Crinkles, Snickerdoodles (@ Christmas), Raspberry and Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies (@ Christmas), Double Chocolate Kiss Cookies (@ Christmas), Chocolate Lollipops (Holidays)
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